Introductory Micro Economics for CBSE Class 11 by Sandeep Garg | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publications
- Author: sandeep gargĀ
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Introductory Micro Economics for Class 11 by Sandeep Garg 2024-25 edition."Introductory Micro Economics for CBSE Class 11" by Sandeep Garg is a comprehensive textbook that covers all the essential concepts and theories of microeconomics. The book is specifically designed for students studying economics in Class 11 of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum.
The book is divided into six parts: Introduction, Consumer Behaviour, Producer Behaviour and Supply, Forms of Market and Price Determination, Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply and Introduction to Market Failure. The book covers topics such as demand and supply, elasticity, consumer behavior, production, costs, market structures, and factor pricing.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, CBSEClass11, CBSE, DhanpatRai, CBSEClas12